Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fireworks! Dance camp starts soon!

Hey everyone!

I don't have much time until I have to leave to watch the fireworks.  Just wanted to say hello and make sure that everybody's having a good vacation/summer break so far!  

Well, I have to go!  FIREWORK TIME!  ah my favorite part!  My friends and family are going on our boat to the middle of the lake to watch them!  :)  Bye!


  1. I'm sure that was a lot of fun...being in the middle of a lake watching fireworks. I actually stayed home with my cat that night, but I could hear them in town. I really like your blog, by the way!

  2. Yeah! It was a lot of fun! And thank you! It really means a lot. Make sure you follow it, and tell your friends! :)
